Seeing the Grain: A Cabinetmaker’s Vision of the Future

A master craftsman can see the finished product in his, or her, mind’s eye, before they begin the project. Choosing the materials, is as important, as making the piece of furniture, or whatever else it is, perfectly. A cabinetmaker will spend time selecting the right piece of timber, or pieces of timber, for the job. Seeing the grain: a cabinetmaker’s vision of the future. What type of wood will be used, and where the grain runs, will all be carefully assessed by the master craftsman. The potential patina will be envisioned by the cabinetmaker.

Seeing the Grain: A Cabinetmaker’s Vision of the Future

As you can well imagine, eyesight is vital for the artist and craftsman, if he or she, is to achieve perfection. Poor vision can only lead to unrealised dreams and mediocre manifestations. To properly see the wood’s grain, and the possibilities inherent within a slab or section of timber, is essential to the artisan’s craft. Many carpenters and cabinetmakers have been helped with optical aids, like glasses and contact lenses. In the far distant past of medieval times, these skilled artisans would be out of a job, if and when, their sight failed them.

Sydney furniture displaying the mark of the master craftsman is available in selected places. Outlets which value real craftsmanship in their wares. Stores that show and sell superior pieces of wooden furniture. Tables and chairs that bear the hallmarks of design and attention to detail in their production. A fine dining or coffee table can provide a room with a structural and aesthetic fulcrum, from which all other pieces revolve around like satellites.  They bear a relationship to this fine example of alpha furniture, like submissive wolves or apes in a pack or troop.

Furniture like this has been designed and crafted by the master cabinetmaker with perfect vision. It has been lovingly imagined and brought into being by their skill and commitment to perfection. Contact lenses can help the craftsman maintain his craft beyond the normal allotment of years. The experience and knowledge in those hands can keep producing fine furniture instead of retiring into uselessness. Seeing the grain: a cabinetmaker’s vision of the future can envision a longer career with those lenses magnifying the light upon the ocular nerves of their wearer. It is craft helping craft, with the optician aiding the cabinetmaker with his own finely made instruments producing enabled sight.